No Human Shall Pass
Version: Alpha 0.1.0 - 28.12.24 - Depot and Item Loot
Dev Log
Alpha 0.1.0 - 28.12.24 - Depot and Item Loot
- Changed company name to CheesyWare (this means save files have a new directory, leading to erasing all currently saved files. Something that was required earlier or later.)
- Added Depot and Loot / Mats to unlock Loadout items
- Drops in levels are now random with an individual drop chance
- Game is now in alpha state
Pre Alpha 0.0.8 - 08.11.24
- Fixed some level design flaws
- Gave tower 2 and tower 3 a base so their hitbox got larger and modified collider
- Rockets get destroyed after 3 seconds of no collision (after they targeted their final destination)
- Enemy bullets fly 33% longer
- Fixed UI button blink animation when timescale was 0
- Added jump mode setting (dynamic and absolute)
- Added interact cooldown on game over button
- Reduced strider axis movement speed
- Added a two step menu before quitting a run
- Added more idle enemies on existing paths
- Increased some existing loot stats and added some new
- Max Health UI Bar now indicates exact max HP (previously rounded up)
Pre Alpha 0.0.7 - 01.11.24
- Feedback related modifications:
- Boss Railblazer now has a closed gate on the right side
- Extraction Tooltip now has a 10 second cooldown to prevent spaming
- The extraction con no longer be started from the lower floor
- Levers now have a 0.5s cooldown to prevent them from being set to ON and OFF too easily
- Main menu is now escapable with the button "cancel"
- Disabled the switch to aim mode "cross axis" when a gamepad gets connected. Removed a bug there as well as you were forced to play in aim mode "cross axis" when a gamepad was connected.
- Selected buttons now blink instead of being permanently gray
- Extensions:
- Added some songs so the audio doesnt get too stale
- Aim mode 1 and 2 (Gamepad aim modes) now got a crosshair that shows the reload duration as well
- Reworked the loadout system for gloves, boots and equipment
- Removed HP regen on default class soldier
- Added weapons of various damage types and mechanics (flamethrowers, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, laser guns...)
- In total the game contains 11 bullet weapons, 13 pyro weapons and 14 laser weapons. Enough diversity for now
- Renamed stat "Bullet amount" to "Shot amount" to better match all types of weapons
- When the loot overlay opens, the submit is shortly locked to prevent instant picking the first option accidentally
- Gave the revenge shoot mechanic a cooldown so weapons with many bullets, for example flame throwers, dont trigger the shootback so often
- Created enemy spawner that recreate the already killed enemies so the world never gets empty
- Added idle enemies
- Added a version of tower 1 that shoots a laser beam instead of bullets
- Added neutral invincible towers as shooting obstacles
- Added tilemaps to fix some unlogical visible areas
- Added background objects
- Decreased speed of hostile laser bullets
- Decreased shoot interval of tower 3
Pre Alpha 0.0.6 - 13.08.24 - Rockets & Lasers
- Added hostile laser beams and various rockets
- Changed Boss Behaviour, now they activate upon entering their "boss container"
- Added 4 new bosses: shover, star, railblazer and queen
- Enemy loot now has gravity and falls to the ground
- Made the scrolling background image scalable to current screen resolution (ingame background no longer gets stretched)
- Added tooltip text on entering new levels, boss encounters and starting & stopping extractions
- Added gamepad support
- Added the alternate aim mode "cross axis", selectable in the settings. When a gamepad is detected, aim mode automatically switches to that aim mode
- Added the alternate aim mode "retro", selectable in the settings, where the player aims in the direction he moves
- 14.08.24: Hotfixed entry to the queen
Pre Alpha 0.0.5 - 16.06.24 - Loadout menu and active items
- Added 5 active items to the game. On pressing control, the item effect becomes active
- Added the active items as possible epic loot
- Reworked the loadout menu: Now you got up to 6 selectable itemizations before you enter a level
- Added 3 new enemies and 1 obstacle to the game
- Added jump animation to the player
- Improved run animation
- Overall project clean up (changed small details I discovered while testing)
- Fixed a bug where level 5 (the final level) was not playable due to infinetly generating the level over and over again
- Player not able to get over a 3 tiles high wall when he collides with it: Improved player collision when jumping, so when colliding with a wall, player wont get slowed down too much. Increased jump height to 21.
- Score gets also added when game gets quitted
Pre Alpha 0.0.4 - 21.04.24 - Stats
- User related feedback:
- Easified Jump n Run for one path (the one with the building and the 4 layers on top of each other)
- Increased damage of heavy MG (MG3000) from 20 to 25, decreased ammo of sniper (TL Badger ZeroOne) from 8 to 5
- Level generation can no longer spawn the same tile twice in a row
- Increased "player trigger" area of some enemies to detect the player more often
- Reduced attack speed of t3 turret
- Inspector enemy now fights back when he gets shot from distance
- Added red screen pop up when player gets damaged
- Expansions:
- Added stats
- Added stat overview when pressing tab
- Added loading screen
- Player can now double jump.
(The idea of giving the player the possibility to jump twice was there since the beginning, I delayed the implementation because I wasn't sure if I should add this as a active item. The reason I decided now to add it as a separate feature is, that I feel like at the moment jumping through the world and dodging bullets is too clunky/difficult. If double jumping was only a selectable option, I feel like the user is forced to choose double jumping, because it is so much better than every other item. Using the double jump feels great, like this game was meant to have a double jump (it was also requested by testers), but with the previous features to the player and now this I feel like the enemies oppose only a little thread and the game to too easy. All of the enemies right now are encounters on the first, easier levels, but still, dodging is probably too easy. Maybe I should speed up the bullets and the timings of the enemies.)
- Decreased jump height from 23 -> 20
- Changed pushback from enemies. Player loses controlability and gets it slowly back over time.
- Added ambush capsule
- 5 more selectable weapons added
Pre Alpha 0.0.3 - 28.03.24 - Randomized level generation
- Improved extraction point visual, decreased extraction point duration from 30-60s to 15-30s
- Added entrance to the next level
- Added a 5 level deep random level generation. Depending on level, size of the world gets increased
- Added indestructable gates and a lever system
- Reworked small (0.5m) explosion visuals
- Added background images like clouds and buildings that slowly scroll by when moving
- Adjusted player colliders slightly (made them smaller) to improve movement in narrow tunnels
- Added a roaming inspector enemy
- Added some idle robots
- Fixed an error that appeared when damaging an extraction capsule during its spawn and decomposition time
- Increased jump height slightly
- Added collectible items (dog tag, power core, war log, blueprint, circuit board s, m, l)
Pre Alpha 0.0.2 - 28.02.24
- Tester-feedback related modifications:
- Added a "jump edge threshold" so jumping off edges is more forgiving.
- Added a "jump was pressed threshold" so pressing jump a little too early still counts as jump.
- Changed the physical way objects moved to improve collision detection -> Player can no longer get stuck under the ground.
- Player controllability should have increased.
- The enemy "crawler" now sustains less damage (100HP -> 50HP).
- Added ticking sounds when there are less or equal than 10 seconds on the clock/score.
- Improved the pushback from enemies.
- Medikits cant be picked up if you are already at full health.
- Added setting option for switching screen mode to windowed, full size, etc.
- UI scales now relative to screen size.
- Extensions:
- Expanded city tilemap.
- Build a new level because I destroyed the previous when importing new tilemap.
- Fixed gaps between tiles that appeared sometimes.
- Added extraction point. Beware, transmitting a signal might attract danger!
- Created highscores save system. Only exiting via extraction counts as succesfully ending of the run. Progress gets deleted on updated game version.
- Score menu now visible in main menu.
- Added various scores.
- 4 new guns selectable in the loadout screen with different properties
- The 5 current weapons summarized:
- RE 0815: All-rounder assault rifle with balanced stats
- AAG23: Automatic shotgun with spreading projectiles and a smaller magazine
- MG3000: Heavy machine gun with a lot of damage and huge magazine, but more recoil, lower accuracy and slower reload speed
- 50-MS X: Fast shooting machine gun with less damage
- TL Badger Zero-One: Rifle with immense damage but decreased fire rate and magazine
Pre Alpha 0.0.1 - 10.02.24
- Some UI visibility optimizations, oriented on first build
- Increased overall UI text size.
- Added a UI color for more contrast, called "green". Selectable in settings.
- Changed default FOV from 15 to 10 (if previous version was already played 15 might be saved).
Pre Alpha 0.0.0 - 08.02.24
- First Build
- Features basic components like main menu, ingame menu, settings and level 1 as a test level to play. For the future, levels should be random.